Monday, January 29, 2007

Down with the organised religion

Take that the Catholic Church!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Borders, Cambridge - 200701262040

Here I am again...
Somewhat bored.
Drank some coffee, ate a sandwich, played with Ardour, Jack Rack and Hydrogen. Somehow I've broken my amSynth - it no longer works with Jack - bummer. I have to check the version and where it came from and how on earth I can reset it. It complains about the jack libraries missing or something like that. I need to check it out.

I also have to put a decent media player on this thing, my last attempts to get Amarok work properly failed miserably - this truly sucks.

It's friday, everyone is out clubbing or getting drunk, not a lot of people are in Borders at this time of the day. A couple of University teachers and lots of young but single people - otherwise they wouldn't be here, would they?

Anyway... I have to get going, even with the coffee I'm falling asleep here - I still need to go home.

I have no plans for tomorrow, I suppose I can spare some time to do some Java work, I haven't touched the book since new year. My plans are not going very well. I;ll leave when the songs I have on this machine run out.

Time to go...

Friday, January 19, 2007


Truth is everywhere you look.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It no longer smokes... Either I was roasting a spider or whatever that was smoking two years ago, all of the magic smoke is out now. It booms at 14MHz using a piece of wire I hang around the flat.

Not suprisingly enough, this stupid wire outperforms ATAS-100 by a factor of 10dB! Pah!

State of the disharmony 20070117

Mood: Miserable

Listening to: Quirks and Quarks from Canada

Location: Starbucks at Borders, Cambridge

Real time: 19:45

The weather sucks. It was raining miserably, it might flood in St. Ives again.

It's a shame, during the break I was so depressed, I wouldn't be bothered even if the weather was nice. Last three weeks it usually rained but there were a couple of days when the weather was fine and clear but I was sort of depressed. It goes in opposites, if the weather sucks, I'm better, if the weather is nice... Well...

At least I have my nice laptop now but I'm really afraid to use it out in the open, what if it gets wet or I drop it - especially after MJ's laptop disaster today.

On the other hand, I love Stellarium, it is brilliant and it would really look nice if I use it, especially with a web cam or the camera connected to it directly.

I also had too much junk today, I should go out for a walk for an hour, well, what else do I have to do?

Hydrogen works fine now. The sound card is really crap and Jack won't work recording and playing at the same time - which is sort of nice, I'll be only mixing on this thing but this also means that I have to upgrade and maintain the desktop. Since I got this laptop mainly to get rid of two of the desktops, this really sucks.

I have to find a couple of Ardour tutorials, try out some of the other software and find out how this mixing stuff actually works.

Time to go, I'm running out of time. I had my coffee, I have to go back to the car and pick up the power supplies.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Comet McNaught

Apparently McNaught is visible to naked eye during daytime. No much luck yet. Today wasn't very clear in St. Ives. Now it is reasonably clear and sun is about to set but I can't see anything even though I looked everywhere. I shall try tomorrow again.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Comet McNaught!

It was yesterday (20070110)
After days and days of rain and cloud cover, I left my camera, tripod and the good binoculars at home. Then the weather suddenly cleared up. I picked up the bino I have in the back of the car and got out of the office and walked to the edge of the fields.

I knew that it was supposed to be close to Venus. First I couldn't find Venus. After a couple of minutes suddenly it popped into field. It is quite interesting that how bright stars suddenly appear in the sky, one second you can't see it, and then suddenly, they appear and you wonder how on earth you missed it. Venus was bright. I had a quick look at the Venus and then scanned the horison to the north of the Venus...

AND I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! It was so bright, it was a NAKED EYE comet, just after the sun went down and there it was, just brilliant and its tail clearly visible, at least a couple of degrees in length, in broad daylight! Unbelieveable!

If this comet was visible well after sunset, it'd be so bright, UFO nutters would go mad!

I went back to the office and collected John and Steve (his last day in the office). Steve was quite excited, John was his usual self and commented on the possibility of some nutters comitting suicide to jump to the Mother ship.

After a couple of minutes later, I was cold (the wind was quite powerful and the weather was cold). McNaught was only a couple of degrees above the horison and the amount of extra air made it dimmer, even if the sky was darkening.

I';m quite excited about it - hopefully the weather will get better and I'll start observing in earnest. This year, I promise, I shall observe the sky more often.

McNaught might be the brightest comet in 30 years. At least I managed to see it! I'm so happy!