High Wycombe is not very beautiful or anything, it is quite dirty compared to Cambridge or St. Ives which is a bit annoying int he short run.
Apparently I forgot my SD card on the PDA - no work documents to go through, which was one of my aims today - alas I have a reason to be lazy heheh.
Slowly I need to investigate where everything are - I'm going to figure out where the train station is, go around once more and try to remember where some of the shops are - I need some bookcases but the Argos here (an endless supply of cheap and badly made furniture) has run out of my favourite tall bookcase - HAH!
Annoying - I am thinking of driving to Slough tomorrow to get some, I might go to Windsor for a short walk around, it's only a couple of miles from there.The
There are plenty of nice places near but this is not particularly beautiful - I can live with that for now - at least this place has all of the basics.
The other thing I need to look into is an astronomy club, and maybe the amateur radio cub but I started to think that I really don't fall into the generic radio enthusiast in this country either - which is a bit shame but we shall see.
I see much more near and far asian faces here and some funny looking goths and chavs, quite a difference after Cambridge, cos a bit like Huntingdon but this place is much more cosmopolitan compared to Hunts - there you would only get the chavs and inbreds!