Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Kindle Swindle and Unswindle

Eğer podcastlarımızı dinliyorsanız benim DRM düşmanlığımı farketmişsinizdir. Podcast tayfası olarak ebook okuyucuları hayli seviyoruz ve Sony favori üreticimiz.

Ancak Amazon'un Kindle ürünü özellikle Amerika'da çok popüler. Öte yandan çok iğrenç bir şekilde kitapları satın almıyor, sadece okuma lisansını ödünç alıyorsunuz. Amazon kafasına göre lisansları geri alıp kitapları Kindle'inizden silebiliyor. Bu işi bir daha yapmayacağı sözünü vermiş olsa da bir şirketin sözü ne kadar geçerli olabilir ki? Ayrıca satın aldığınız kitabı, pardon, ödünç aldığınız lisansı bir cihazdan diğerine geçirmek engelleniyor. Son baktıgımda Waterstones (veya Dost Kitabevi) kasiyerleri evime gelip aldığım kitabı tuvalette oturup okumamı engelleyemiyordu. DRM'li ürünlerle donanım üreticisinin rastgele kurallarına bağımlı oluyoruz aniden.

Herneyse, her DRMli ürün satıcısının ögreneceği gibi bu yazılım sınırlarını aşmak imkansız değil. Haliyle bu The Register haberini okuyunca hiç şaşırmadım.

İsrailli bir takım hacker tayfası Kindle'in DRM kurallarını aşmanın yolunu bulmuş. Bu arkadaşlar işi kolaylaştırmak için bizlere bir yazılım bile yaratmışlar.

Eğer bir Kindleniz var ise veya almayı düşünüyorsanız haklarınızı gerisin geriye elde etmek için kesinlikle saniye beklemeyin derim!

İşin ilginci daha yeni yayınlanmış podkast epizortumuz bunlardan bahsediyor...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009


Add to your restricted sites in ICrap. issue

You must remember to run the following:
apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`

after every kernel update because Hardy is stupid as a ....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

VMWare ESX Killing trick

Nice way

  • locate the VM:
  vmware-cmd -l
  • Shutdown the VM:
   mware-cmd /vmfs/volumes///.vmx stop

  • Just turn the power off:
   vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes///.vmx stop hard

Nasty way

   ps auxfww|grep 
kill -9

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Internet is a massive time-sucking machine. WTF have I been doing all this evening? I have no clue.

Monday, August 03, 2009


I should be writing but instead I'm reading Piled Higher and Deeper all over again.
I'm a bit sad I didn't bother to finish my masters. I should have, I should.

Monday, July 20, 2009


All credit goes to Shaun the Sheep and its Uncle

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Long TODO list


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


OK, this is madness. I need to sleep. Instead, I'm listening to the BBC World Service and writing scifaikus. Shutdown -h now...

2:05 am

I need to sleep. I have none. I drank some espresso but that was at 8pm. Surely that should have been metabolized by now. I need to wake up early tomorrow and go to work and to loads of stuff.

Also I don't know how to spell Cthulhu. I don't know how many times I wrote Chtulhu I don't know. I cleaned some of the old posts and corrected it. When I was writing a commentary about how I couldn't write Cthulhu, I made the same mistake again and that really pissed me off... Grrr....


I've started to write again so there should be something on Hitit Gunesi and the palace soon....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Yet an other midnight arrives and I'm still playing around. Loading new maps to the CF card, backing stuff up to the disks, backing up the latest podcast raw recordings, thinking about the 12th episode of the podcast.

We need to write. There is not enough content. I need to write. I had so many ideas, I need to put some time aside and get on with it. First thing is to write the Sci-Fi London 8 reviews before it's too late. Then the stories and scifaikus...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Working around the clock today

Yeah.... I'm on call until 6am this morning. The last call from the other end was at 10:15pm so I hope everything is going OK. Don't wanna do it all over again next weekend. It's 3am at the moment so only 3 hours to go. I'm listening to the podcasts. The Google Reader queue is empty. There's nothing important happening apart from this flu pandemic exploding.


I released 10th full ep last Sunday. I don't have any other recordings at the mo apart from a couple of hours of bird songs. Need to organize a meeting soon.

Shit, this one can be big

This one is a killer. Shit shit shit.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

An other episode is finally out...

It's a mini episode but it's out. I spent hours on getting the speech synth saying porco dio in italian... daaamn... It's out.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Here's an interesting article about Podiobooks... I've been (finally) listening to the 7th Son and it's seriously good. I'm half-way into the second novel.

I bought a Siggler book when I spotted it in a Borders. If I see Hutchins' books, I'd buy them as well.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I need to write. I haven't written a lot for almost three months now, a couple of flashfics... Need to get active on the whole thing again...


Managed to edit the 7-months old recording and put it out as a podcast. I need to get more active with the recording, songs and podcasts. Must practice on how to read aloud. Tricky thing. And this keyboard is already dying.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Fight against quacks

Every time you read an article or hear something on the radio against the quacks, send the editors a mail, thanking them. Only this way we can get them understand that the public is sick of these charlatans...