Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Long TODO list


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


OK, this is madness. I need to sleep. Instead, I'm listening to the BBC World Service and writing scifaikus. Shutdown -h now...

2:05 am

I need to sleep. I have none. I drank some espresso but that was at 8pm. Surely that should have been metabolized by now. I need to wake up early tomorrow and go to work and to loads of stuff.

Also I don't know how to spell Cthulhu. I don't know how many times I wrote Chtulhu I don't know. I cleaned some of the old posts and corrected it. When I was writing a commentary about how I couldn't write Cthulhu, I made the same mistake again and that really pissed me off... Grrr....


I've started to write again so there should be something on Hitit Gunesi and the palace soon....