After going to bed quite late, I managed to wake up reasonably early and did a bit of recycling. The weather was nice so after that, I came back home and prepared for a short walk. I went up to the mausoleum which was hard work - I am really unfit. Then I realised that I left the CF card for the camera at home. Then a slight disorientiation - the map doesn't match the real world that easily - found my way back to West wycombe. Then I took an other detour and climbed an other hill and did the walk I was thinking it'd be easy - the damn hill is steep! On the other hand, it was very nice but sections were seriously muddy. I found the way to the river but there are not many diversions - that bit was really muddy, I got bogged down a couple of times. After that I came back home, took a bike out, went upstairs and got some new clothes and went to High Wycombe center for a noodle + sushi, it was OK. I cycled back, a total of 25 mins of cycling. This is quite good, if the drivers honour cyclists - they've been good apart from one asshole today, it looks like I won't be using the car for shopping again unless the weather is really lousy.
As a result I feel quite tired - the noodle's carbohydrates are putting me to sleep. Next week I should cook at home but less than £10 for two diet cokes, soup, main course and sushi is very cheap, at least in my books!
I am sticking to veggie sushi, I gave way a couple of weeks ago when I was eating with Michele and had some real stuff but I don't mind the veggie stuff they serve there, it's quite good actually but more choice would be good.
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