Saturday, August 11, 2007

Observation Notes 20070811

Good clear night with ocassional wispy cloud. No moon.
Perseids in action. Only saw a couple.

Observation between 11pm-1am BST

Equipment: EOS350D + 300mm + 55mm, 10x50 binoculars

Observation Companion: Very Thick "These are all like earth burning away, right" Brit

In no particular order....
Cassiopea: NGC 654, NGC663, M103, Stock 23, Stock 2

Double cluster (NGC884+NGC869), Mel 20, M44, Algol
Tried NGC1528 and NGC1545 but failed.

Andromeda: M31 (obviously). M31 is not a good binocular target, all you can see is the center (at least all -I- can see) and you never realise it's actually larger than the bloody moon! Damnit - that thing is a monster. I always do the wrong thing and crank up the magnification whereas it requires a low mag thing.

Hercules: M13 (also photographed this), M92

Lyra, Vega, Epsilon, M57, M56.

Cygnus: Albireo, M29, deneb, gamma, Tried M1-92 very hard but failed.

Sagitta: M71, H20. Also photographed this.

Vulpecula: Generic browsing and awesome Coat Hanger cluster (Collinder 399)

Corona Borealis: nothing in particular, beautiful thing.
Bootes: Again, lovely thing, was lost in the glare of the lamp posts.
Delphinus: cute little thing.
Ursa Majoris: Alcor-Mizar

Resolutions: I need to buy a 10" Dobsonian damn it, it's really worth it.
Useful document: Astronomy Atlas of the Stars (I need a better one but this is really worth it's money!)

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