Thursday, April 11, 2019

Master Boot Record

Once in a while you encounter something so delicious & beautiful, it makes your life significantly better.

Master Boot Record is such a thing. I am addicted. Especially his masterpiece Interrupt Request is now a regular occurrence in my playlist because it's simply awesome.

From power-metal to symphonic-metal, and a lot of trash thrown into it, we're told it's all done in a 486DX machine with 64GB of RAM, and a sequencer software. It's very MIDI, but in a good way.

I have listened to various chiptunes in the past, but apparently this is called Dark Synth Wave. Some also call it synth-metal. I have my own name for it, fucking awesome music. As far as I'm concerned, no other categorizations are necessary.

You can get the whole discography for peanuts from Bandcamp, and I'd definitely recommend Internet Protocol and Interrupt Request, but there are too many favourites to select from. Do your own thing, and this chap definitely does that.

Not only the music is great, the fan experience is awesome. The albums come with cryptic puzzles you have to solve, the last album came out with an IRC channel & a telnet-enabled BBS with ANSI support where you can get hints for the puzzle, and this unlocks extra songs. Overall the enjoyment factor goes to 11 with Master Boot Record, you don't get a half-arsed CD print.

Oh yeah, if you're inclined to do so, you can actually get the albums on cassette player! Full retrograde orbit achieved! Also you can get them on floppy disc as well, 5.25" style - half the kids in the office don't even know what a floppy disk is...

This is a great time for us, the music, the media, the internet empires, they're all built by us geeks, for us geeks. Shame about Facebook and no-longer "do-no-evil" Google, but hey, there's still good music to head bang to.

Did I mention, you can get pretty much all Master Boot Record songs on his YouTube channel. What not to like about this guy...

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