Monday, June 04, 2007

Evo's leaving FMP!

Well, out of horse's mouth.

On the other hand, it appears that Evo's been unhappy with what he's doing lately: His words: "But I’m becoming less and less of a scifi podcaster… heck, less and less of a podcaster at all, come to think of it."

I have an other idea.

Google's cache of Farpoint's About page has the following:

Email us:
Michael R. Mennenga, Director: mike @
Summer Brooks, Producer: summer @
Jeffrey Willerth, Producer, West Coast Office: jeffrey @

This is from 31st of May.

Today this link has:

Michael R. Mennenga, Michael R. Mennenga: CEO, Director
Summer Brooks, Supervising Producer, Co-Host
Jeffrey Willerth, Managing Director (West Coast office), Production Coordinator for Video and Visual Media Projects
Draco Vista Studio

Now.. There's Mike, the CEO. Where is Evo? He is not there. My totally unfounded and completely circumstantial made up theory is Evo didn't get the title he wanted, he and Mike or Summer had an argument and Evo walked out.

Well, Brian appears to know something but he's not telling us.

As they decide to put more info out, it's all speculation.

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